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Human beings are not accidental creature, as such any belief that they develop in them controls their life. Everything you do is either with the use of your conscious or subconscious mind. You walk around, because you simply believe that your legs can take your body weight, you get frightened at the sight of a snake, because you just believe snakes are evil creatures. Your beliefs either create or destroy you. The big reason why I often fail any mathematics exams I write is not because I don’t prepare hard for it, but
I just belief that I can’t solve well in mathematics exams. I even tutor people mathematics some days before exams, but when I get into the examination hall, the belief that I can't just solve mathematics come upon me. You’ve failed in so many areas of your life, because you developed the belief that you are not capable, even if the abilities are lying in you. The beliefs you’ve created have shut them up. That critical condition you are in now cannot be change, until you change the belief you have towards it. The amazing segment of human is that, they got the capability of changing their beliefs towards anything they wish. If you want a positive change in your life, in your career, in your family then, you’ve got to change your belief towards them. I got the dream of writing this book in your hand when I was 17 years, but I had the belief in me that am too young to write a book. One day, I searched on goggle “the youngest author in Nigeria”. Guess what? I saw something that provoked my inner spirit; I had to instantly change my initial belief on writing a book. As of when I checked, the youngest author in Nigeria was just nine years old girl. She is an author of a story book. Today am greatly benefiting from that change I decided to make some years ago. Go close to those things that would push you to change your belief system for good! It could be a friend, your parent or any other thing. Be aware as a human being that, your beliefs are the driving forces that drives you to the direction of your life.


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